Illinois Insurance Guaranty Fund

The Illinois Insurance Guaranty Fund (IIGF) is a non-profit organization created by statute in July 1971. We were created to act as the “safety net” for Illinois property and casualty insurance companies and their policyholders. We provide protection to the covered policyholders and claimants of member insurance companies that go out of business. Representatives from active insurance companies make up our Board of Directors.

Happy family researching illinois insurance guaranty fund

Est. 1971 for Illinois Consumers

Unearned Premium (UEP) Claims:

Starting on March 18th, 2024, IIGF encourages anyone seeking Unearned Premium (UEP) payments to complete our new electronic Unearned Premium (UEP) form for any recent insolvency. Please click here to fill out the UEP form online.

If you would rather download the UEP form and mail it along with support documentation to our office, you can choose this option but the post office will cause delays in receiving your check. Please click here to download the mail-in form.

IIGF’s Mission

Our mission is to protect Illinois consumers from the loss of time and money related to the failure of P&C insurance companies

What We Do

IIGF works closely with regulators, liquidators and service providers to ensure timely claims payments and continuation of policy benefits.

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Helped consumers from over 150 troubled insurance companies

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Years of operation without interruption

How Can We Best Assist You?

IIGF's Role In Protecting Illinois Consumers

If you’re a policyholder whose insurer is no longer supporting you, we’re the company that will work to get you paid. We protect policyholders in the event that an insurer becomes insolvent or is unable to meet its financial obligations. You can think of us as a safety net.

Keeping the cost of insurance down

By operating efficiently and effectively carrying out its statutory duties, IIGF helps Illinois businesses and consumers avoid higher insurance premiums.

Prevention, early detection & issue spotting

We proactively identify risks in the insurance landscape in hopes of avoiding coverage gaps or preventing insolvencies altogether, which results in significantly less harm to consumers.

Committed to improving legislation

We are fully committed to making sure that the guaranty fund is helping those it was intended by the legislature to help. This is critical for managing the the cost to Illinois businesses and consumers.

Providing a rewarding place to work

By fostering a challenging, diverse and fulfilling environment, IIGF is able to attract and retain talented employees and vendors committed to doing their very best for our stakeholders.

Smiling senior active couple sitting on the bench looking at tablet computer. Using modern technology by elderly.

“We’ve been so happy and grateful for what the Guaranty Fund has done for us”

Testimonial from a claimant’s wife, who provides care for her paraplegic husband

 IIGF has managed this Workers Compensation claim since 1993. As the injured worker has aged, his medical and home care needs have increased. We have addressed this with the help of a nurse case manager, who suggested an evaluation at Chicago’s Shirley Ryan Ability Lab. As a result of that visit, IIGF was able to provide an accessible van, powered enhancements to the worker’s wheelchair, and modifications to the family’s home. 

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